How to use our python code to automatically make a light curve!

First download and unzip our Python program:

Next Setup Anaconda:

  1. Go to the link below to install  Python 3.7  64-bit Graphical Installer for your device:

  1. Click the downloaded installer and follow their instructions to set up the Anaconda Navigator
  2. Launch the Anaconda Navigator and open the CMD.exe Prompt
  3. Installing the libraries:
    1. Type “pip install scikit-image” and press enter
    2. Type “pip install photutils” and press enter

If error occurs try to uninstall the libraries with:

“pip uninstall scikit-image” or “pip uninstall photutils”

  1. Open Jupyter in a browser tab and select the “Terminal” button listed under Other
  2. In the terminal enter “ipython”
  3. (This example uses astronomical images of QATAR1 from our GORT archive located here:
    Locating the files:
    1. Enter: 
      1. cd Downloads
      2. cd QATAR1
      3. cd QATAR1

NOTE –  could be different if files are under different folders. This is based on the file path of: Users > (Name of User) > Downloads > QATAR1 > QATAR1

* program may take some time to run *

  1. Enter “run” to run code (This python file must be located in the same folder as your astronomical images)
    1. Enter directory path:
      1. Copy address from file explorer. Should look something like:
      2. C:\Users\(Name of User)\Downloads\QATAR1\QATAR1
    2. Enter “n”
    3. Enter “QATAR1-20190802@072126-120S-E-Clear.fts” as the name of reference image
    4. Aperture radius – 10
    5. Inner annulus radius – 15
    6. Outer annulus radius – 20
  2. Open JS9 Image display: 
  3. Go to the image tab, click open and open the reference image
    1. Bring tip of cursor to center of target star to enter x and y coordinates (will be listed in (x, y) format under Physical Location in Information section to the right of viewer)
    2. For 2 comparison stars repeat the same for x and y coordinates
  4. Enter “QATAR1csv” for name of csv file
  5. Add titles for graph and graph will open in another window